Why The Appreciator?
The realization came, slowly and steadily as dual avocations became vocations; I have essentially carved out the same role in both of my careers.
As a talk show host, I experience sports, then help others appreciate what we have seen together.
As a singer, via Tributosaurus since 2002, I experience music, and help others appreciate what we have heard together.
When games are played well, and when music is performed well, taking them in reminds us of high minded goals of humanity and our creative possibilities.
This site aims to share that appreciation with you. I am a vessel, at my best trying to bring you along to the cool stuff.
You’ll find my writings on sports, music, and some public life transitions here, as well as links to A lot of recorded Spiegelia. If you know me from The Score, there’s a section of just “sports writing,” where I stay in my lane.
What you’ll also find here are links and recommendations to anything that feeds the creative, grateful soul.
All religions are based on praise. We will praise, and express our gratitude. We need it.
The more we appreciate, the more our spiritual core solidifies. Beauty begets beauty.
This site will share my values. We will appreciate anything truly done with passion. Aesthetic elegance. Connections that may lay beneath the surface. Curiosity that should be rewarded. Self Awareness is essential. People should work on their issues, whatever they may be. And the goal, undeniably both hokey and true, is Inner Peace. True contentment is attainable. I think.
The things we love will inevitably showcase these values. As we expand our intake thanks to endless curiosity, we are actually focusing.
This site will curate the collected works of humankind, to bring you goodness.
Please accept it.
nice Site Matt